We asked some famous historical figures what they thought about Hungry Jack. Here is what they had to say:
rikee, me rikee a rot!"- Mr Miagi; The Karate Kid
"They make me puke!"- Regan McNeil;
The Exorcist
"What? What? Speak up I can't hear you." - Ludvig Von Beethoven (translated from German)
- Harpo Marx
"Verily, they doth suck." - Thor, Norse God of Thunder
"Hungry who? It's hot down here." -
Timothy McVeigh
"The worst band in the history of the universe! I should know, I created it" - God
"I'm glad
I'm deaf!" - Helen Keller
Here is a list of places you can find
our music for sale and when it was released:
"DONT GIVE ME NO CHICKEN!"- Street Cheese Records;Dec. 99
Don't Eat The Urinal Cakes"-single released on compilation; Glens Falls Rock Vol. 1 It's for sale at http://www.mp3.com/glensfallsrock
"HUNGRY JACK-Live And Rare"-Street Cheese Records; Jan. 2001
"The Pulled Pork Polka"-Single released on benefit
compilation called "You're Still Here-The Best Of C.R.U.M.B.S. Vol.1". This is a two CD set that is for sale at: http://www.mp3.com/crumbs
All The money from the sale of this CD will go to the Chris Ryan Memorial Scholarship Fund. Geoff Ryan, Chris's brother
is the bassist for CRABAPPLE.
The Glens Falls Post Star article 10-27-01